At a panel organized by HREC at the conference of the Canadian Association of Slavists (CAS) titled, “Cold War Politics and Memory of the Holodomor” featured a paper by HREC’s Bohdan Klid discussing Ukrainian testimonies related to the US Select Committee on Communist Aggression in 1954; Oksana Vynnyk presenting on representations of Holodomor “victims,” “perpetrators,” and “witnesses” in the same testimonies of the US House Select Committee; Olga Andriewsky analyzed testimonies about the Holodomor in three different early Cold War settings (the Harvard Project on the Soviet Social System (1950–1953); testimonies of the US House Select Committee (1954); and the submissions, in Ukrainian, for a writing competition on WWII through the Ukrainian cultural centre Oseredok, in the late 1940s); and Anastasia Leshchyshyn discussed issues in the provenance of photographs from the Holodomor era that were published in the West during the 1930s and that resurfaced in the 1980s.